Theresa Cantley Business Coach

Join Me Inside the Business Advisory Board

This experience is for CEO's of small businesses and their COO's who are ready to do the work and up level themselves, their team and their business.

This will function like a real deal business advisory board. We will meet virtually every month and you will be empowered to not only set goals to achieve in the next 6 months BUT we will hold you accountable to take action and get implementing.

If you're ready to achieve big time results let's get to work.


What You'll Find In An Advisory Board

What you will find in an Advisory Board is a group of individuals to not only co-create the vision for your business but hold you accountable to make sure you stay on course along the way

  • A group of Co-Creators to help you define your vision and align your strategy to make it reality
  • A blueprint and action plan to bring your results to life so you won't have to figure it out on your own
  • Diverse thinking to help you disrupt the norm and bring more innovation into your business
  • Monthly Accountability to hold you to your goals

Meet Theresa

Theresa Cantley Local Business Consultant

Hey there! I'm Theresa
(eternal optimist, CEO and Fly Girl)

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Theresa!

And truth...when I was 16 my big dream was to be a Fly Girl (I'm a super fancy dancer). I'm also the host of the Locally Grown podcast, I'm a CEO and I'm a creative at heart.

And I'm a big believer that you need to have radical resilience and a "6th Gear" to be an entrepreneur.

My passion is helping small business owners go from being buried in the "day to day" operations, overwhelmed and stressed out to becoming a 7 figure high impact CEO that has the freedom to live an extraordinary life while having a business that runs smoothly without them being there all the time.

And I want to help you do the same.